Thursday, November 30, 2006
May I Have This Dance?
Cocktail parties are more about chatting and laughter than settling in for dense conversation. The best music will be like a favorite guest: lively, witty, upbeat and, as the evening goes on, ready to dance. (Article, Washington Post).
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Quotable Similes, Part 2
Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.
(Albert Einstein).
Politics are very much like war. We may even have to use poison gas at times. (Winston Churchill).
My books are like water; those of the great geniuses are wine. (Fortunately) everybody drinks water. (Mark Twain).
As crazy as hauling timber into the woods. (Horace).
Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go. (Truman Capote).
Skepticism, like chastity, should not be relinquished too readily. (George Santayana).
For Saddam, Bring on the Holy Water
[On a Saddam Hussein execution]. But this still seems to me to be more like an exorcism than an execution — a concession to superstition and primitive emotion. (Christopher Hitchens on Slate).
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Mob Scene at the Republican Caucus
“When Lyndon Johnson became Vice-President, he wasn’t welcome at Senate Democratic caucus meetings anymore, because it was for senators only,” Patrick Leahy, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, told me. “But every Tuesday since Bush has been President it’s been like a Mafia funeral around here. There are, like, fifteen cars with lights and sirens, and Cheney and Karl Rove come to the Republican caucus meetings and tell those guys what to do. It’s all ‘Yes, sir, yes, sir.’ (Jeffrey Toobin in the New Yorker).
While no doubt convinced that Iraq had at least some chemical and biological weapons, Bush administration officials, like the cop framing a guilty man, vastly exaggerated the evidence. (Mark Danner in book review, New York Review of Books).
“The Echo Maker” is probably the best Powers novel so far. I say "probably," because it's not possible for Powers to write an uninteresting book, and after that it's a matter of taste. Trying to describe it is a bit like four blind men trying to describe an elephant—which end do you start at, with something so large and multi-limbed? (Margaret Atwood, in New York Review of Books on new Richard Powers book).
You stagger out of Powers's novel happy to find yourself, like Scrooge the morning after, grasping your own bedpost, saying "There's no place like home," and hoping you still have a chance to set things right. (Margaret Atwood).
Monday, November 27, 2006
Gandhi, the Lone Ranger & the Mob in Iraq
Time's cover headline referring to President George W. Bush as "The Lone Ranger" [Nov. 6] was like calling Donald Rumsfeld Mahatma Gandhi. Don't you know your pop-culture history? The Lone Ranger was a gallant man who helped people in distress. He then rode away, not waiting for accolades. The only thing Bush has in common with the Lone Ranger is that he is from Texas. (Letter to Time magazine).
Large numbers of impoverished Shiites view Sadr as their guardian — the one leader who is willing not just to stand up for them but to strike back on their behalf. "People count on the militias," says Lieutenant Hartley, who deals with Sadr's thugs on a regular basis. "It's like the mob — they keep people safe." (The Most Dangerous Man in Iraq, Newsweek).
Contagious Shooting and the Sizzle of Bacon
It is known in police parlance as "contagious shooting" -- gunfire that spreads among officers who believe that they, or their colleagues, are facing a threat. It spreads like germs, like laughter, or fear. (50 Shots Fired, And the Experts Offer a Theory, today's New York Times).
Off a bleak and empty interchange midway through the Dallas sprawl stands a Burger King. It's past midnight, the rain sizzles on the parking lot blacktop like frying bacon. (American Album, today's New York Times).
Off a bleak and empty interchange midway through the Dallas sprawl stands a Burger King. It's past midnight, the rain sizzles on the parking lot blacktop like frying bacon. (American Album, today's New York Times).
Saturday, November 25, 2006
The White House Chief of Denial
[Tony] Snow has said this is not a civil war because the fighting is not taking place in every province and because Iraqis voted in free elections. But that's like saying that the Battle of Gettysburg only took place in one small corner of the country, so there was no real American Civil War. And there were elections during our civil war too. (Maureen Dowd, The New York Times).
Friday, November 24, 2006
The Smell of Gold, the Fear of Sleep
Similes on the Big Screen, Take 3:
Believe it or not, I knew a fellow once who could smell gold like a jackass can smell water. (Howard, “Treasure of the Sierra Madre,” 1948)
I can't sleep any more. It's too much like death. (Cosmo, “Moonstruck,” 1987)
An artist without freedom is like a bird without wings.(Anatoly, “Moscow on the Hudson,” 1984)
He spurned me like a strumpet in the street. (Nefretiri, “The Ten Commandments,” 1956)
You know what I feel like? I feel all the time like a cat on a hot tin roof. (Margaret, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” 1958)
From “The Cat in the Hat,” (2003):
Conrad: I'm not going to military school.
Lawrence Quinn: Oh, I think you're gonna love it! It's just like summer camp, except with brutal forced marches and soul-crushing discipline.
The Cat: Wow! This is just like the carnival, just without the abused animals and the drunken clowns with hepatitis.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thanksgiving Evokes the Pistons, the Oscars, Theater, the Godfather -- and Auschwitz
My house on Thanksgiving is like a Pistons game with pie. (David Letterman quoted on
Thanksgiving is like Oscar night. [Time to thank all the little people.] (Posting on Davenet).
"Thanksgiving is like theater,'' says Jerry Gulley, editor-in-chief of the Web site. (Article in Houston Chronicle).
Thanksgiving is like watching an episode of the Godfather. I’m afraid to take the last piece of turkey because I might wake up with a horse's head in bed with me. (Article in Texas newspaper).
My husband believed that "Native Americans celebrating Thanksgiving is like Jews celebrating Auschwitz." (Post on Chicago Bears site), presumably by a Native American.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
America's Watery Pompeii
John Updike, The New York Review of Books, on “New Orleans After the Flood,” a collection of remarkable photographs by Robert Polidori, and the related exhibition at the Metropolitan, through Dec. 10:
Toppled live oaks lay like fallen colossi, except there was no grandeur to the scene, just despair. (Quoting from Jeff L. Rosenheim's introduction to the book).
In New Orleans, he dealt not with invisible radioactivity but with a city like, he has said in an interview, "a decomposing body"; photographs taken six months after the hurricane still show scant signs of cleanup, reclamation, and recovery. (Updike)
Automobiles, those stolid American necessities, turn out to be susceptible and rather comically buoyant in a flood; the second photo, 2600 Block of Munster Boulevard, captures two of them with their rear ends elevated, like a pair of saucy chorus girls, in a row of brick bungalows. (Updike)
Even the bleakest of the shelters that caught the photographer's attention — the single-story shack on Tupelo Street, for instance, a missing wall baring a bright closetful of abandoned clothes; or the wrecked salmon-colored cabin at Law and Tupelo Streets; or the grimly simple bedroom on presciently named Flood Street, with its careening mattress and ceiling fan wilted like a Dalì timepiece — hold bits of decorative art and vibrations of life, cut off as suddenly as occupancies at Pompeii. (Updike)
Heaped onto the street and sidewalk are tons of the flimsy stuff of American housing—fiberglass insulation like poisonous cotton candy; sheets of warped plywood; mock-pine pressed sheathing; pulverized plasterboard; aluminum siding splayed like palm fronds as houses floated and twisted; strips of metal and molding; plastic-covered shelves and countertops; shower curtains and mattresses, downspouts and lawnmowers, air conditioners and refrigerators mired in a state of eternal paralysis. (Updike)
Monday, November 20, 2006
Prophecy & Reality
2003: O.J. Simpson is like one of those trick birthday candles – every time you think he’s gone out, he flames up again. (From from 2003).
2006: O.J. Simpson is like a pesky bug — he just doesn’t go away and doesn’t know when to stop too. (Nov.16th post on The Foo Logs blog).
The Obama Souffle
Obama is like a Grand Marnier soufflé still rising in the oven. It will taste delicious when it's finished, but it's not there yet. (An anonymous supporter of Hillary Clinton quoted in Newsweek).
Saturday, November 18, 2006
For the New Bond, Full-Action Similes
A simile-studded New Yorker review
of “Casino Royale” by Anthony Lane:
Who said this: “It is interesting for me to see this new Bond. Englishmen are so odd. They are like a nest of Chinese boxes. It takes a very long time to get to the center of them. When one gets there the result is unrewarding, but the process is instructive and entertaining.” The speaker is Mathis, a kindly French liaison officer in “Casino Royale,” Ian Fleming’s first James Bond novel, published in 1953.
And …
It is true that Bond keeps a defibrillator in the glove compartment of his Aston Martin, but, given the cholesterol levels of the kind of people who drive Aston Martins, a heart-starter presumably comes standard, like a wheel jack.
And …
His head is a rough cube, sawed and sanded, with the blue eyes hammered in like nail heads. [About Daniel Craig, the new Bond].
And ...
He could beat a man’s brains out with his brow. That suits the Bond of “Casino Royale,” who has only lately acquired his license to kill, and, like a kid who’s just passed his driving test, is eager to step on the gas.
And …
This chase goes on far longer than expected, like a theological discussion in a Bergman film, with both the fleeing baddie and the pursuant Bond careening off walls and cranes and anything else that juts into their path.
One City Forgets, Another Tries to Remember
“Los Angeles is such a rapidly evolving city,” said Joel Kotkin, an urban historian who has lived [there] for 30 years. “There is an enormous turnover of people here,” Mr. Klotkin said. “You talk to people here about the ‘80s here, and it’s like you are talking about the Conquistadors. It is a place where people go on with their lives. O.J. was part of the L.A. shtick, and now it is gone.” (About the fading imprint of O.J. Simpson on the city, New York Times).
“A city is like a human being,” said [Vietnamese architect Nguyen Van] Tat. “It needs to have a past. There is a saying in Vietnam that even if the pages are frayed, a book must still have its spine.” (Article on booming development in Ho Chi Minh City, New York Times).
Friday, November 17, 2006
An Anthill, 2 Taxis & a Simile-Conscious Psycho
Similes on the Big Screen, Take 2
From Hitchcock:
He says that San Francisco's like an anthill up the foot of a bridge. (Cathy Brenner, “The Birds,” 1963)
When two people love each other, they come together – wham – like two taxis on Broadway. (Stella, “Rear Window,” 1954)
She's like a queen bee with her pick of the drones. (Jeff, “Rear Window”)
Sometimes the truth does taste like a mouthful of worms. (Leonard, “North by Northwest,” 1959
Dialog from “Psycho,” 1960:
Norman Bates: You - you eat like a bird.
Marion Crane: [Looking around at the stuffed birds while eating] And you'd know, of course.
Norman Bates: No, not really. Anyway, I hear the expression 'eats like a bird' - it-it's really a false-false-false-falsity. Because birds really eat a tremendous lot. But I - I don't really know anything about birds. My hobby is stuffing things. You know, taxidermy.
Norman [thinking as his mother]: He was always bad and in the end he intended to tell them I killed those girls and that man, as if I could do anything but just sit and stare like one of his stuffed birds.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Quotable Similes, Part 1
Some bon mots from
Well, I'm about as tall as a shotgun, and just as noisy. (Truman Capote)
Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days. (Benjamin Franklin)
Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man. (Ronald Reagan)
Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. (H.L. Mencken)
The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. (George Eliot)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Thinking About Outsourcing? Get a Pre-Nup
Outsourcing is like marriage: You're in it for life -- at least you should be. Getting out is costly and wrought with devastating disappointment and contractual chaos. (Article on SearchCio web site).
Flight Risk
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman strode into a Democratic caucus gathering like he owned the place or, at the very least, like someone who is a flight risk and could leave at any minute, taking the Democrats’ new majority with him. (New York Times, page one).
And, for Your Entree?
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Similes on the Big Screen, Take 1
From Woody Allen:
A relationship, I think, is like a shark. You know? It has to constantly move forward or it dies. And I think what we got on our hands is a dead shark. (Alvy Singer in “Annie Hall,” 1977).
Alvy, you're incapable of enjoying life, you know that? I mean you're like New York City. You're just this person. You're like this island unto yourself. (Annie Hall in “Annie Hall”).
You, you, you're like New York: Jewish, left-wing, liberal, intellectual, Central Park West, Brandeis University, the socialist summer camps and the, the father with the Ben Shahn drawings, right, and the really, y'know, strike-oriented kind of, red diaper, stop me before I make a complete imbecile of myself. (Alvy Singer in “Annie Hall”).
You stand on the brink of greatness. The world will open to you like an oyster. No... not like an oyster. The world will open to you like a magnificent vagina. (Helen Sinclair in “Bullets Over Broadway,” 1994)
He’s an American phenomenon (Halley Reed). Yeah, like acid rain (Clifford Stern). (“Crimes and Misdemeanors,” 1989)
[About life] It's like Vegas. You're up, you're down, but in the end the house always wins. Doesn't mean you didn't have fun. (The Devil in “Deconstructing Harry,” 1997)
It's an interesting group of people, your friends are … Like the cast of a Fellini movie. (Isaac Davis in “Manhattan,” 1979).
[About a Jackson Pollack painting] It restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of Man forced to live in a barren, Godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation, forming a useless bleak straitjacket in a black absurd cosmos. (Museum Girl in “Play It Again, Sam,” 1972)
You can't learn to be real. It's like learning to be a midget. (Tom Baxter in “The Purple Rose of Cairo,” 1985).
The Health Care Cadillac
The health care system is like a 1970s-era Cadillac - overpriced, inefficient and filled with unnecessary features. (Merrill Goozner blog on Huffington Post).
Monday, November 13, 2006
Lemonade, a Baby Gorilla & a D.C. Tornado
Sitting in a little pink lawn chair, Poobah [a fire-eating dwarf] looks run-down. It is nearly 100 degrees, the air as sticky as lemonade. (Charlie LeDuff in today’s New York Times).
He's like a little heating blanket. (Quote on by “surrogate mom” about baby gorilla).
The spirited exchanges on the Sunday morning talk shows – a staple of weekend life for the political elite here, especially on the Sunday after an election that blew through Washington like a tornado – came at a delicate moment for the White House on Iraq. (New York Times, page one).
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Yam Lips, Lost Continents & Windmill Dunks
The doctor – possibly the same one who later gave Kuczynski the yam lip – was ten years my senior, and had clear, translucent skin that glistened pinkly, like prosciutto that had been sliced to an inviting, tissue-paper thinness, and she said that if I, too, started undergoing facial peels I could have the complexion of a woman half my age by the time I hit forty. (New Yorker review of Alex Kuczynski’s cosmetic surgery book).
Maybe people believe swapping personal data for national security is a fair trade. But maybe no one is agitated because the notion of privacy has become, like Atlantis, a persistent and attractive myth. (Anna Quindlen in Newsweek).
I'm out of practice dealing with good political news. It's been a bit of an overload these past two days. It's kind of like getting a letter from my doctor informing me that I can now suddenly windmill dunk a basketball. (Adam McKay in Huffington Post).
Friday, November 10, 2006
Liberals, Matrons & a Pie in the Face
As a companion to Ode to the Neocons (see skewering 11-07-06), fair play demands the following:
Liberals are like the plump matron who is always outraged and eventually gets a pie in the face from Groucho Marx. (Enter Stage Right).
Liberals are like geldings. (T-shirts and mugs - ConservaGear)
Liberals are like children in a toy store. (Liberal Quicksand blog).
Liberals are like a Pretzel. (Conservative Majority blog).
Liberals are like tomatoes. (Imao).
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Keeping Women on the TV Sidelines
It could be that men still dominate because election night is like the N.F.L.: it's always two guys in the booth doing the play-by-play, while women cover the sidelines.
And ...
The commentators that Fox News assembled to back up Brit Hume looked like a funereal barbershop quartet: William Kristol, Juan Williams, Fred Barnes and Morton Kondracke.
And ...
CNN's Anderson Cooper did turn for help to Candy Crowley, who was sandwiched between John King and Marcus Mabry of Newsweek, but the panel behind them, CNN's "brain trust" (William J. Bennett, J.C. Watts, James Carville and Paul Begala) looked like a police lineup on Mount Athos. (Alessandra Stanley, today's New York Times).
Any thoughts on the Mount Athos / police lineup item?
After the Thumpin': The NYT Turns Psychologist
Yet for someone whose presidency had just been repudiated, whose party had been sent reeling and whose defense secretary had just been sent packing, Mr. Bush also appeared strangely giddy, like someone who is acting a little odd after suffering a blow to the head, or a "thumpin'," to use the official presidential description. (Mark Leibovich in today's New York Times).
Rummy, With Hindsight
Bush’s endorsement of Rumsfeld is like the fox endorsing the wolf’s management of the hen house. (Letter to The Chicago Tribune).
Donald Rumsfeld famously said "Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion" about France's unwillingness to go to war in Iraq. It turns out that going to war with Rumsfeld is like going duck hunting with Dick Cheney. (Post on USA Today site).
"Rumsfeld is like the football coach who is so confident of victory that he puts only 10 players on the field to prove a point," says one Army official. "Our fear is that he's going to play the whole season like this." (U.S. News and World Report).
Rumsfeld is like the last guest at the party who shows no signs of leaving, no matter how unsubtle the clues are getting.... ( Take It Personally blog).
Rumsfeld was like a little kid covering his ears so he can't hear something that might upset him. (Post on
Rumsfeld is like a charging bull, and his anger knows no bounds. (Post on Last Chance Democracy Café).
“Don Rumsfeld is a patriot like few others whose tireless work on behalf of all of us is so truly remarkable. Don Rumsfeld is like that Energizer Bunny. He just keeps going and going and going. (Speech by Senator Jesse Helms)
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Christmas Morning & the Manbot
I woke up this morning feeling somewhat like I used to as a child on a Christmas morning, eager to see what not Santa, but the election, had brought. I was not unhappy with the results. (A Heathen’s Day blog).
Like some out-of-control manbot, Vice says they will continue “full speed ahead” in Iraq, no matter what voters say. (Maureen Dowd, New York Times)
Like some out-of-control manbot, Vice says they will continue “full speed ahead” in Iraq, no matter what voters say. (Maureen Dowd, New York Times)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Ode to the Neocons: Bats, Bubbles & Slinkies

Neocons are like a pack of rabid bats. (Stop the Neocons blog).
The Neocons are like a Lenin-esque cult. Their philosophy is understood rather than written. (Yeast Radio)
These neocons are like a whole gaggle of boys in plastic bubbles. It must be nice to live so detached from reality. (Post on Whiskey Bar blog).
Those neocons are like herpes. You can never really get rid of them, and they keep cropping up in unsightly places at inconvenient times. (Post on Something's Got to Break blog).
When you stop and think about it, the NeoCons are like killer sharks, when they smell blood they become roused and energized. (Ramparts blog).
Neocons are like bugs: They scatter when lights come on (30%) Will survive the nuclear war they start (15%) They’ll be back (5%) Should be kept out of political office (46%) (Poll on Political Cortex).
Neocons are like government by Wal-Mart. (Post on
Some neocons are like slinkies ... Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." (Post on White Noise Insanity).
Monday, November 06, 2006
On Election's Eve, Iraq Looms

The Iraq war is like modern art; you’re not supposed to get it. (Comedian John Mulaney on Comedy Central site).
Expecting the Democrats to end the Iraq war is like expecting the crack addicts to turn in their dealers. (Green Party statement).
The Iraq war is like the sun: No one wants to stare at it too long. (Mike Taibbi in RollingStone).
The Iraq War is like a specialty channel on TV. One of the 200, somewhere between the Comedy Channel and Home Shopping Network. People who care about it care about it, but they're a pretty small group. (Mudville Gazette blog).
… giving up on the Iraq War is like giving up smoking; you'll always have these relapses if you try to do it a bit at a time. You've got to go cold turkey. (Post on Times of London online site).
Iraq War is like FDR declaring war on Israel because he thought the pilots were yelling “Torah, Torah, Torah” as they bombed Pearl Harbor. (Post on ThinkRight blog on the Atlanta Journal-Constitution site).
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Something With a Little Southern Bite
Saturday, November 04, 2006
What Bush Is Like
Your starter kit:
This sounds like a copout, I know, but describing George W. Bush is like doing origami with mittens on. (National Review Online, from 1999).
"George W. Bush is like a bad comic working the crowd, a moron, if you'll pardon the expression." (Martin Sheen in a BBC interview).
Bush is like that playground bully who attacks and attacks and attacks to hide his own inadequacy, but the minute someone bigger and tougher comes along he melts into a puddle of petulant goo. (Washington Monthly)
Bush is like the oft-remarked Oakland CA. There is no there, there. (Post on Ezra Klein's blog)
Bush is like a PAC-10 football team: He just doesn't play defense well. (Paul Begala's blog on
No, Bush is like Dennis Kozlowski, denying his obviously crooked acts with a series of lame justifications.... (Post on
Bush is like a pyromaniac who returns to the scene of the crime. (Eleanor Clift) in Newsweek.
North Korea has described US President George W Bush as an "imbecile" and a "tyrant that puts Hitler in the shade". (BBC).
Bush is like every rich frat-boy-redneck-wannabe-cowboy-wannabe-soldier who wouldn't know real ideas or real work or real suffering if he hitched it to his ornamental pick up truck. (The Rude Pundit).
"George Bush is like a tortoise on a fence post," Finch said. "He has no idea how he got there. He has no idea how to get down. And he has no business being where he is. (Senator Bill Finch on political site).
"President Bush is like all of the characters Dorothy encounters in the Wizard of Oz, all rolled into one - he has no brain, no heart, no courage." (Post on The Daily Kos).
Bush is like someone's old dad who just doesn't get it, a person who's not able to grow or change. (Tom DeLonge of Blink-182 in RollingStone Magazine).
He is like the distant friend who somehow ends up going to the party with you, and you worry he's going to get drunk and say the wrong thing and just start talking craziness. (Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie in RollingStone Magazine).
Friday, November 03, 2006
The (Sorry) State of the Body Politic

And then there are the flip-flop ads, which show the candidate saying one thing, doing another. Every election, those damned flip-flops, with the opponent often photographed in grainy slow motion like a suspect on America's Most Wanted, or Bigfoot emerging from the forest. (Vanity Fair / James Wolcott)
Richard Clarke, the terrorism expert of both the Clinton and first Bush administrations, went public more than two years ago with his harsh critique of the Bush terror war, and, to many, seemed like a bitchy Cassandra, which is not necessarily the perfect career face. (Vanity Fair)
Instead of tapping and emulating his political artistry, Democrats treat Clinton as if he were some unduplicatable natural phenomenon, like the pre-army-induction Elvis. (Vanity Fair / James Wolcott)
Fumes, Magic Dust and Found Art
During the last two elections, the fumes of Air Force One worked like political magic dust for the candidates lucky enough to score visits from Mr. Bush. (New York Times, page one)
And ... about the Kerry dust-up: "You should all be ashamed of yourselves for acting like children rather than rational grownups. What is happening to America??"
Richard Buckner's lyrics are like found art -- a postcard from someone's grandmother blown into your backyard, or a breakup letter wedged against a curb at the record store. They also work like memory works: A flash of color married to a couple of sentences, images and words that imply more than explain but still manage to resonate and stir emotions. (Louisville Courier-Journal)
And ... about the Kerry dust-up: "You should all be ashamed of yourselves for acting like children rather than rational grownups. What is happening to America??"
Richard Buckner's lyrics are like found art -- a postcard from someone's grandmother blown into your backyard, or a breakup letter wedged against a curb at the record store. They also work like memory works: A flash of color married to a couple of sentences, images and words that imply more than explain but still manage to resonate and stir emotions. (Louisville Courier-Journal)
Borat (No Angel) Lands; Lock Up the Childrens
In Kazakhstan, a little backtracking. Yerlan Idrissov, Kazakhstan ambassador to Great Britain, told Kazakhtan Today: "If you read attentively my recent article in the "Guardian" you will find out that highly appreciating the comic gifts of S.B. Cohen I gave the "pig of a man" not to himself, but to Borat - a wild scenic character invented by Cohen. I believe that the creator of the character himself does not consider Borat as an angel," the diplomat wrote in his letter to Kazakhstan Today.
Borat conjures history for The New York Times: Like General Sherman, he also lays waste to a sizable swath of the South, a line of attack that begins in New York and ends somewhere between the Hollywood Hills and Pamela Anderson's bosom.
The New Yorker, no enemy to a good simile weighed in this way:
This defense of Borat as an unwitting scourge of the reactionary — unearthing Midwestern beliefs no less parochial than those he left behind in Kazakhstan — is sound as far as it goes. But the movie goes further. It is equipped, like an F-15 Eagle, to engage multiple targets at once.
Continuing ...
More recently, the case for disturbance has been made by the novelist Howard Jacobson, who has insisted, both within and beyond his books, that comedy is not just enfeebled but put to sleep, like an unwanted animal, once it discards its right and duty to offend.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Bush Meets (or Collides With) the Simile
Oy! That's as Bad as...
From the Onion, the motherlode of dreadful similes. It's a joke, albeit rather thin.
Nonetheless, a sampling:
I've been told my diction's clear as strychnine.
I'm as hopeless as a springtime frog-fryer.
To tell it plain, my similes are confusing as the day is wrong, as disappointing as two peas in a pigsty, and more obscure than Kenneth from marketing (the guy who's as big as a thing that's six-feet-tall and 200 pounds).
Nonetheless, a sampling:
I've been told my diction's clear as strychnine.
I'm as hopeless as a springtime frog-fryer.
To tell it plain, my similes are confusing as the day is wrong, as disappointing as two peas in a pigsty, and more obscure than Kenneth from marketing (the guy who's as big as a thing that's six-feet-tall and 200 pounds).
Onion Domes, Urinals and Nuclear War

(Casinos in Moscow) There are more than 60 of them in the city now, neon palaces of capitalist glitter and risk that have become as ubiquitous as the onion domes of Russian Orthodoxy. (New York Times)
Four urinals shaped liked a woman's lips went on sale on Thursday .... (Reuters)
'Debt Is Like Nuclear War' (Headline: Business Report, South Africa)
It's beginning to look like Christmas for China's central bank, but officials there cannot be overjoyed. (International Herald Tribune)
... Like the kid at the prom stuck dancing with the ugly girl, while the cheerleader they were too scared to ask out stands available nearby. (The Daily Texan)
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